Results Of Mediations
The following is a sampling of some of the results we have helped the parties obtain recently. Per California Rules of Professional Conduct Rule 1-400, the following results do not guarantee the outcome of any particular case and are attached for informational purposes only. All parties and amounts are confidential:
Employment Law: Resolution of pregnancy discrimination case involving a long-term employee in a physician’s office.
Automobile: Resolution of personal injury and workers’ comp lien in auto vs. pedestrian case for excess of policy contribution by defendant, a foreign national.
Medical malpractice: Resolution of wrongful death of 29-year-old father of three resulting from post-surgical interrupted intubation.
Business litigation: Resolution of dispute arising from franchise sale and covenant not to compete among restauranteurs.
Real estate: Resolution of dispute with mortgage lender arising from loss of personal property in storage due to delayed funding of loan.
Real estate: Resolution of commercial lease attorney fee dispute upon re-negotiation of lease extension.
Civil rights: Resolution of Federal Civil Rights case involving alleged improper search of family residence, and arrest and detention of family member.
Premises liability: Resolution of case involving wrist fracture to 60-year-old female who tripped over an alleged unmarked depression in parking lot of a nursing home.
Education/contractual: Resolution of claim against college prep school for alleged wrongful withholding of diploma.
Public transportation: Resolution of claims involving alleged rotator cuff injury of passenger on public transportation.
Premises liabilty: Resolution of claim by 60-year-old business owner against escalator company and building owner involving disk herniations in lumbar spine.
How To Contact Attorney Sean E. Judge
For more information or to make an appointment, please contact me either by:
Telephone: 818-616-8500
E-mail: [email protected]
I can be reached by telephone Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. You may also use this form to contact me. This form is answered Monday through Friday during
the work day. I look forward to helping you.